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Actors and Donors Together

Help Save our Humanitarian Values

Greensboro has lost SO MUCH local theatre over the past 20 years. Talented theatre warriors in our midst are working hard to keep strong theatre alive in Greensboro, but it’s all happening in little corners and church spaces. Ever since the Arts Council disowned the Carolina Theatre in 2006, the Theatre is unaffordable for small start-up companies. The Broach is small and off limits. The first floor spaces in the Cultural Center aren’t available to everyone who needs space, aren’t well suited for everything, and they keep raising their rental prices. Triad Pride and Summerfield Stage are doing very good work in small church spaces.

The Public Theatre of Greensboro shall work to bring theatre folks together and out from their corners.

The strong theatre community that existed for more than 30 years with Livestock Players and CTG performing in the Carolina Theatre, and the paid acting opportunities at The Broach, The Barn and Touring Theatre Ensemble - that theatre community spirit doesn’t exist anymore. The community storytelling spirit that only theatre offers. The emotional ride that actors and audience mutually experience in the same space.

That’s the spirit of community that only theatre offers. It’s time to bring that spirit BACK!


Spread the Word

Our goal at the moment is about raising funds for a professional theatre in Greensboro while celebrating theatre artists and theatre companies at every single Cafe Cabaret performance. This first group of 12 actors have never worked together before. They are most excited to meet one another. THAT’S our goal! Bringing people together across age, race, and institutional connection. That also means that our audience will be just as diverse as our performers.

Nothing about Cafe Cabaret will ever be exclusive. And Nothing about The Public Theatre of Greensboro will ever be anything but open-armed, open-minded and open-hearted.

Producing theatre is expensive, even when the play involves 2 people on a park bench. Lighting, sound, costumes, props, imagery, projections, scenic design, and paying the professionals in the creative team costs quite a bit of money. Professional theatre is 10x more expensive due to union rates, which are cost-of-living appropriate. Walking towards professional theatre in Greensboro will be a slow walk, but one that is crucial and important to the fabric of our city.

We start with a little Cabaret. In a nightclub. Feels a bit European. So is the club.

Be part of a deeply empathetic and caring community. Theatre artists.

Because everything we do is for survival, but the arts are about living.