$2500 Donor to Greensboro ArtsHub for Cafe Cabaret
Same as $1000 Donor PLUS
You receive 3 complementary tickets to every Cabaret and Bolling Show through March 2026.
You are invited to our Tech Rehearsals,
and Bolling Rehearsals,
Sitzprobes (singers and the band),
and Cast Parties!
A $2500 Tax Deduction through the Greensboro ArtsHub
Same as $1000 Donor PLUS
You receive 3 complementary tickets to every Cabaret and Bolling Show through March 2026.
You are invited to our Tech Rehearsals,
and Bolling Rehearsals,
Sitzprobes (singers and the band),
and Cast Parties!
A $2500 Tax Deduction through the Greensboro ArtsHub
Same as $1000 Donor PLUS
You receive 3 complementary tickets to every Cabaret and Bolling Show through March 2026.
You are invited to our Tech Rehearsals,
and Bolling Rehearsals,
Sitzprobes (singers and the band),
and Cast Parties!
A $2500 Tax Deduction through the Greensboro ArtsHub