The Arts are about LIVING
Everything we do in life is about SURVIVAL
$500 Donor
$500 Tax Deduction through the Greensboro Arts Hub.
PLUS: Your name will be featured in our program in front of monthly audiences at every Cafe Cabaret and Bolling Show in 2025, mentioned lovingly by our MC at each of our shows, placed prominently on our website, thanked by us in our newsletter, and you will be offered special seating for Episode One!
$1000 Donor
Same as $500 Donor PLUS
A $1000 Tax Deduction through the Greensboro ArtsHub.
One of our cast members will perform a song or theatre piece for you and only you or a friend that you designate!
And you will be offered special seating for every Cafe Cabaret and Bolling Show in 2025!
$2500 Donor
Same as $1000 Donor PLUS
You are invited to our Tech Rehearsals,
and Bolling Rehearsals,
Sitzprobes (singers and the band),
and Cast Parties!
A $2500 Tax Deduction through the Greensboro ArtsHub
You may request a 45-minute Bolling Show for your party, fundraiser or event. Give us 6 months notice, and we’ll bring the crazy classical/jazz nuttiness to your neck of the woods for a great time!
For $4000 you will get an entire Bolling Show with Flute, Clarinet, Ocarinas, Piano, Guitar, Bass and Drums!
$5000 Donor
Same as $2500 Donor PLUS:
Sponsorship Recognition
A $5000 Tax Deduction through the Greensboro ArtsHub
You may request a 45-minute Cafe Cabaret or Bolling Show performance for YOUR party, fundraiser or event. Give us 6 months notice and we’ll bring EVERYONE to your neck of the woods with our instruments, big voices and personalities, lighting and microphones!
For $8000 you get a full 90-minute Cafe Cabaret Show in your venue. All 17 members of our company plus all of the technical crew!
Nine Shows = 750 to 1000 people
Full Page = 5.5” x 4.25”
Great Opportunity for Downtown Restaurants and Boutiques
1/3 Inside Page
1/2 Inside Page
Full Inside Page
Full Inside Back Page
Same prominent place in our program for all Nine Monthly shows
Full Inside Front Page
Same prominent place in our program for all Nine Monthly shows
Full Back Cover Page
Same prominent place in our program for all Nine Monthly shows.
For 12 monthly shows = 1000+ people