$1000 Donation to Greensboro ArtsHub for Cafe Cabaret


Same as $500 Donor PLUS

A $1000 Tax Deduction through the Greensboro ArtsHub.

One of our cast members will perform a song or theatre piece for you and only you or a friend that you designate!

And you will be offered special seating and 2 complementary tickets for every Cafe Cabaret and Bolling Show in 2025!

Confirm Donation

Same as $500 Donor PLUS

A $1000 Tax Deduction through the Greensboro ArtsHub.

One of our cast members will perform a song or theatre piece for you and only you or a friend that you designate!

And you will be offered special seating and 2 complementary tickets for every Cafe Cabaret and Bolling Show in 2025!

Same as $500 Donor PLUS

A $1000 Tax Deduction through the Greensboro ArtsHub.

One of our cast members will perform a song or theatre piece for you and only you or a friend that you designate!

And you will be offered special seating and 2 complementary tickets for every Cafe Cabaret and Bolling Show in 2025!